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2018-03-09 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Dark Souls: The Card Game - 供應商將會有貨,可訂。
Some suppliers will have this game, can preorder now.

2. Endeavor Kickstarter - 這間第一次做KS的加拿大公司竟然認為我們 Board Game Base 並不是一間實體店(Brick & Mortar store),不能讓顧客來到購買 BG,而只是一間 Online Store,所以並不可以出售那少少的 7 盒 Endeavor Commodore Level (對,一盒也不能多,只有7盒),他們真不知香港的租金行情,浪費了我來回十數個email 和影相的時間。但我會盡量以低價引入 Endeavor 的 Retail 版的。(如果有供應商肯入它才算,2019?)
The KS creator of Endeavor is a Canadian company and it is their first created KS project. After discussing with them by more than 10 emails with some photos, they still insist our Board Game Base is not a Brick & Mortar store and think it is an online store only, not able to let our customers to visit and buy BG. So theu refuse to sell their 7 copies of Endeavor Commodore Level to us. (Right, only such a small qty 7, not 8 or 14, just 7). So what I can do? I will do my best to import its retail version with the lowest price I can so can benefit our customers (only if my suppliers will carry this product, 2019?).

3. Bunny Kingdom: Larger Board $40 - 運港中,可預訂
Shipping to HK now, Can order it in our online store now.

4. Exit and Unlock - 他們是好兄弟,有難同當: 1,2,3,4,5,6 集全部售罄。要等下一水了,大約兩星期到貨。
They are buddies, they became oos (out of stock) at the same date. All 1,2,3,4,5,6 of them have sold out now. May have stock again in 2 weeks.

5. 近期新增的 Kickstarter 預訂:
Recent Kickstarter pre-order:
Robin Hood and Merry Man
Dice Settlers
City of Gearssss
Chronicles of Crime
Edge of Darkness
CO2: Second Chance
Dice Throne: Season Two!

6. 近來新增了的 BG:
The recent BG added in
Mystic Vale
Cacao: Chocolatl
First Class

7. Food Chain Magnate - 大家都等了很多個月,供應商終於重印並有貨了,兩至三星期到港。
We all wait it for montha, finally supplier has stock now. Will arrive at HK in 2 to 3 weeks.

8. Gloomhaven Removable Sticker - 供應商終於又有貨了,可惜上一張訂單剛完成並已上了機,要等下一張單了。3 至 4星期到港。
One supplier has stock now. So bsd that our recent order has just completed and shipped out to HK already, need to wait for next order. Will arrive at HK in 3 to 4 weeks.

9. Azul - 美國又有貨了,兩星期到港。
US supplier has stock again, will arrive in 2 weeks, can order.