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2018-09-06 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Mombasa - 美版將會以貴價推出,德美版將轉德文版。
Eggertspiele just released its US edition and increased its price and its German publisher changed its edition to German only from Ge/Eng edition. 
2. Hail Hydra $220 - 有人說這是 Resistance: Avalon + Battlestar Galactica。出街日: 2018-09-19
It will release on 2018-09-19 in US. Someone said it is Resistance: Avalon + Battlestar Galactica, so exciting.
3. Startups - 美國版已出並價錢較日版低,只要 $160。是一個好消息。
The US edition of this Oink game has released and with a lower price $160, it is a good news for people who want to get a copy.
4. The Quacks of Quedlinburg $400 - 終於獲得其英文版的價錢,美國出街日為 2018-11-15。已試此德文版一次,绝對是值得取 SDJ Expert Award 之作,預計將成為人氣產品,可預訂。
Finally know the price of its English edition. Release date will be 2018-11-15 in US. I already tested its German Edition and understood why it got the SDJ Expert Award. Sure it will become a hot item, can preorder it now.
5. Nyctophobia $280 - 一隻不能看的BG,獵人用卡功能追殺平民,平民們摸黑在迷宮內合作找車逃脫,獵人可斬樹,改變方向等,看誰能在警察來到前完成目標。
It sounds an innovative game. All players are blinded except the killer. Players need to find the car to escape, running in the maze by touching the surroundings by his finger while the killer can change the orientation of the map, cut the trees in the maze depends on his deck.
6. My Village $200 - 供應商突然大減價。
My supplier has special discount on this game. 
7. The coming KS:
Pax Pamir: Second Edition
Thieves Den
A Thief's Fortune - by Artipia Games
Nanty Narking
Dale of Merchants Collection