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BG 首爾中 (BG at Seoul)


在這次首爾旅途中,走到了在弘大附近的 BG 店子,名叫 Rolling Dice (奇怪之前找到一網頁文章介紹它時,是叫Dive Dice的 (是一韓國 BG 出版商的名字),可能是改了名稱吧。在弘大地鐵2號出口,步行5分鐘便到達,很方便。晚上9時,全店有6、7張桌子,其中3,4桌正在進行 Magic Cards, 一桌正進行 Castles of Mad King Ludwig。
此店的舊作品藏量不少,有一些較難找的如Goa, Era of Invention 等。但新品則較少,如 Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Alchemists, Roll for the Galaxy, Sheriff of Nottingham, XCom, Deus, Scoville,King of New York 等全沒蹤影。
During this trip to Seoul, I have visited a BG store calls Rolling Dice. Just need 5 mins walk from the Exit 2 of Hxxxx University. I arrived at 9pm and saw there are 3 or 4 tables of Magic Cards playing, one table of Castles of Mad King Ludwig. 
This shop has a lot of old board games, some even are out of print items like Goa, Era of Invention, etc. But not many new games can be found. For those new games like Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Alchemists, Roll for the Galaxy, Sheriff of Nottingham, XCom, Deus, Scoville,King of New York, etc. all cannot be found there.