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Pre-Order: Maple Valley Kickstarter Edition (Kickstarter)


本公司 Board Game Base 自 2014 以來因着各位顧客和各大 BG 商户的支持,已預訂之 Kickstarter 項目,不知不覺總數已超過 450 個。會繼續努力根據各位之要求加入更多新 KS 項目。
We, Board Game Base, due to the supports from all of our customers and BG stores, has pre-ordered more than 450
Kickstarter projects since 2014. We will do our best to add more new KS items to our online store based on the requests of our customers.
The expected arrival date will be 2023-12
支持者數目 Number of backers: 3625
Maple Valley Kickstarter Edition (Kickstarter) - 零售價 (List Price) $500 預訂價 (Pre-order price) $450
預訂於 2022-12-10 完結。售價回復至零售價。請於完結後一星期內付款。 
The pre-order will be ended on 2022-12-10. The price will be back to list price. Please pay within one week.
Power Wong
Board Game Base