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快閃下單 Quick Order 2023-07-06
by power on Wed, 07/05/2023 - 19:48
預計下單日期: 2023-07-06 10pm,2 to 3 星期到港。
Next expected order date: 2023-07-30 10pm, will arrive in 2 to 3 weeks.
Please PM me to order any of below items that is not in our website:
Beyond the Sun: Leaders of the New Dawn $320
Cryptid $260
High Society (Osprey Games edition) $180
Mother of Frankenstein: Volumn One $320
Mother of Frankenstein: Volumn Two $320
Mother of Frankenstein: Volumn Three $380
Dominion: Big Box (2nd Edition) $600
Cat in the Box: Deluxe Edition $200
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – Midnight Sons $200
Folded Space: Color: Lacrimosa $180
Atlantic Chase $520
Cryptid $280
If you have placed order in our site already, no need to order it again.