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2018-04-14 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Saboteur $80 - Amigo 將會推出英文版價錢比以往更低,是一個好消息。
It is a good news that Amigo will release its English version with even a lower price.

2. Dragon Castle - 供應商將會有貨,五月到港,不知分到多少盒,未落單者請即落單, 希望價錢為$360
Our supplier will have stock in May. Not sure how much copies will they ship to me. Please order it in our site if you still have not. Hope can have its price $360

3. Roll Player KS - 已運港中,尚有少量餘貨,大約兩星期到。
Shipping to HK now, still have some spare stocks. Will arrive within 2 weeks.

4. Portal of Heroes - 跟 Saboteur 一樣,此 Game 已跳到 Amigo 的懷裏,又一好消息。
Same as Saboteur, this game will go to the umbrella of Amigo, it is a good news to us.

5. Gloomhaven - 供應商現有現貨,可代訂。
Our supplier has stock now, can order it for you.

6. Mystic Vale: Conclave - 供應商已有現貨,美國出街日為 2018-04-19
Our supplier has stock now. Its official US release date is 2018-04-19

7. Lords of Hellas KS - 供應商告知 4-20 會有貨到並會盡快寄港。
Supplier said they will have stock on 4-20 and will ship to us once they get the stocks.

8. Azul English Version - 由於 Plan B 仍然只不准許美國批發商售予給其他國,暫時仍未可訂到此英文版。
Since Plan B still not allow US distributors to sell Azul to other countries, we still not able to import its English to our store.