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2020-01-25 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. New added Kickstarter pre-orders: 新增 KS
Foundations of Rome
Return to Dark Tower

2. Next US Quick Order - 2020-01-29
Will order the following items, you can join:

The Estates
Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne
France 1944 Designer Signature Edition
Rallyman: GT
The Fox in the Forest: Duet
1862: Railway Mania
Petrichor: Honeybee
Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
Terraforming Mars: The Colonies
Unmatched: Bruce Lee

3. Foothills $320 - Snowdonia, 作者又一新作,已在美國出街。
Another new game by the same designer of Snowdonia. It has been released in US already.

4. Everdell: Pearlbrook Retail edition - 這個擴充的內容實在不值得這個高價錢,全部美國供應商均有大量存貨,相信將會減價。
The content of this expansion really not worth its high price. Lot of US distributors and retailers still have tons of stocks. It will not surprise me that if its price will drop a lot in the future.

5. FFG Open Play / Premium Kits - 可預訂以下 Kits
KeyForge: Seasonal Premium Kit - 2020 Season Three (G20KC) $330
Star Wars X-Wing: 2nd Edition - Seasonal Premium Kit - 2020 Season Three (G20XC) $220
KeyForge: Store Leaderboard Kit #3 (G20KN) $440

6. Chakra - 已上 Yucata,德文版已面世,可訂。
Just be ported to now. Its German Edition has been released, can order.

7. Tapestry - 據說會在二月再現。
Heard that it will appear again in Feb.

8. Marvel Champions LCG - 據說會在二月尾或三月才有貨。
Heard that it will show up at the end of Feb or March